Birds of Peru… from Lima to Piura!
I was hoping to have a really awesome post about the birds that we’d seen during our trip northwards from Lima to Piura… but alas, that is not the case…
We saw a dismal total of EIGHT new birds during this stretch of the journey… it seems that either there are less birds in Northern Peru… OR that they were avoiding us!?!
But if you add this EIGHT to the SIXTY FOUR we’d seen in Peru previously – this brings the Peruvian bird total to SEVENTY TWO… pretty impressive if you ask me (especially since this only includes NEW birds that we haven’t seen anywhere previously on the trip) 😉
Here is the full bird list up to the end of Peru – we are at a total of 390.
Bird List up to the end of Peru
And a couple of pictures of our final two Peruvian birds – both of which were spotted in central Piura 🙂