Estamos em Florianópolis
Florianópolis is on Santa Catarina Island, but it’s linked to the mainland via a bridge… It was our one and only stop in the state of Santa Catarina, and it was a very enjoyable one 🙂

Florianópolis – known as Floripa by everyone in the know – is a mass tourist destination, and what can I say apart from I’m glad we were there out of season 🙂 🙂 It’s not just that I prefer quiet walking trails and beaches, but it also means that I get to stay in places otherwise out of reach 🙂 In Floripa, our aparthotel not only was very nice, but it even looked posh from the outside… this means that it had flags over the front entrance… okay so I’m sad, but I was excited by this… none of our previous accommodation has been adorned with flags (flags in backpacker hostels do NOT count…although I have to admit to looking at them and testing my knowledge of flags from around the world… yes I have been with PB too long!)

Once over the excitement of our accommodation (please note that some sense of enthusiasm for the accommdation returned each morning as I really enjoyed the breakfast… I don’t want to ruin PB’s breakfast post so will leave it at that) it was time to explore Floripa and the rest of Santa Catarina Island.
One of the big tourist destinations on the island is Lagoa da Conceição, so we decided to check out the hype…we enjoyed our day there – the lagoon was huge, there were cool sand dunes, we saw a new heron and we walked a bit of the Costa da Lagoa walking trail…

On our other 2 days on Santa Catarina Island we went south as this is where the good walking trails seemed to be… Both the trails led to a beach, but we preferred the second trail to Lagoinha do Leste… it was a circular trail, so less boring – as retracing steps isn’t so good (although sometimes necessary – as the first trail proved… either retrace or spend the rest of our lives on the beach!!!) Here are some pictures from the second walk…

All in all Floripa was a great, relaxing place to spend a few days – but that was probably only because it was out of season and fairly empty of people! 🙂