Estamos en Asunción
We’re in the capital of Paraguay, staying in a lovely leafy suburb in a nice Airbnb 🙂 When we’re not relaxing drinking mate on the sofa like wannabe Paraguayans, we’re out exploring all that Asunción and the surrounding area has to offer!
Asunción is a very pleasant place, but in all honesty there’s not a lot of major sights that need to be taken in… There are a few cool buildings, such as the Palacio de López, which is the seat of Government in Paraguay.

We checked out the famous (well it’s in the Lonely Planet so it must be? right?) Cemetery in the suburb of Recoleta… it was pretty impressive…

A highlight for us however, has been the murals around the city… they were painted in 2016 by 40 artists as part of an art festival and are very cool… here are a few for you to check out 🙂

Our time in this friendly capital is almost over, and then our Paraguayan adventures sadly come to an end 🙁 BUT not before one last tradition has been completed – yes a craft beer from every nation is an essential part of our travels and we have not failed! Check out the pale ale we found in a ‘posh’ supermarket in an upmarket shopping mall this afternoon… please note that buying beer wasn’t the main reason we went to the shopping mall – we needed a post office, as this is a country without post boxes – and you actually have to go to a post office to mail anything – I kid you not…