Estamos en Dalcahue
Our final stop in Chiloé was Dalcahue…
Dalcahue was the smallest place that we stayed in Chiloé and like Ancud it was a pretty relaxing place to be 🙂
We liked the fact that we were also no longer living in a box, living, living in a wooden box.. la la la… we had upgraded and had a room with a window… although this window did not come without a compromise – and that compromise was the move to a shared bathroom… well to be more accurate, I will add that there were 2 shared bathrooms – but if you take into account that the capacity of the hostel was 18 (including the 2 owners that lived there…) that’s not an awesome ratio! 🙁

The owner of the hostel – Anita – was very talkative and liked to get us to converse in Chilean Spanish with her… I think our 5 days there account for the majority of the Spanish spoken on the trip so far… although with the amount of Chilean slang that was dropped into conversation I’m not sure how much it will help us when we leave Chile!!! But for my pierna peluda (that’s PB) and I lo pasamos chancho en Dalcahue…
Okay, so back to Dalcahue…
Our favourite spot in Dalcahue was by the water… not only was it a good spot to people watch, and bird and sea-lion spot, it was also the perfect place for a picnic!!! We ate many a sandwich lunch… and some dinners… by the water 🙂 What can I say? The hostel had a shared kitchen that you could use after 6pm, but preparing sandwiches by the water was a lot more relaxing than cooking in line with other backpackers!!!

Apart from the waterfront, the prime attraction (as with all places in Chiloé) in Dalcahue was the church! We liked the church…

We also liked some random wooden buildings in Dalcahue…buildings made of wooden shingles have a certain amount of charm…

Chiloé was fun, and comes recommended (but not in February… high season is not as good…) but it was time for us to take the bus/ferry combo and leave Chiloé to head a little further north on our slow journey to Santiago.