Pukará de Quitor
Being in San Pedro de Atacama… and having no tour to go on – as it was full 🙁 … we headed to the Pukará de Quitor.
The Pukará de Quitor is an old Pre-Colombian fort about 3kms from the town of San Pedro… there is no public transport to the pukará… so we headed out on foot…
It was quite a scenic walk, but it was very hot and dusty – although I guess this was inevitable as we were in the desert… 🙂

It wasn’t long before the pukará was in sight… well the signpost to the pukará at least!
When we finally arrived we made an executive decision to climb up to the mirador before exploring the ruins… we could feel the sun getting hotter and were hoping to complete the steep upward climb before it got REALLY hot! The climb was hard… I’m blaming the altitude… but the views were spectacular, with photo opportunities all around…

After the mirador it was time to explore the ruins of the pukará…

Our final stop was the the entrance to the cave… the signs at the entrance were confusing… one said be careful and enter at your own risk… while another said it was prohibited to enter the cave…
We decided to take in the scenery instead and not go in… we were torchless and were getting hungry, and decided getting back to San Pedro for lunch was more important than going into a cave that we might not have been supposed to go in anyway!!! 🙂

We got back in time for a nice lunch and mote con huesillos! 🙂 A very enjoyable morning out…