Birds of Santiago

As we are fairly old now, it’s OK for us to enjoy things like birdwatching and lawn bowls.

There isn’t much in the way of lawn bowls in Santiago, but they do have birds, and they are different from Australian birds, which makes it very exciting for us, because we like to see new birds.

Even the big city Santiago has some birds, and so we have started our Big Trip Bird List by writing down all the birds that we see – as long as we can identify them – which is hard actually, but we are dedicated so we try 🙂

So I present to you the birds of Santiago:

1) Rock dove (that”s just a pigeon – but we like to be complete)
2) Eared dove
3) Austral thrush
4) Green-backed firecrown
5) Southern Lapwing
6) Austral blackbird
7) Chimango Caracara
8) Rufous-collared Sparrow
9) Kelp gull  (yep, that”s just a seagull – but we like our list to be as long as possible)

Here is a gallery of some of the more exciting (yes – EXCITING) ones:


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