Estamos en Valparaíso
We’re now in Valparaíso, or as the locals would say Valpo… I also call it Valpo, not because I want to be cool but because I struggle with the pronunciation of Valparaíso!
Valpo is pretty nice – it’s a UNESCO world heritage sight, so some might say really nice… problem is I prefer Santiago, so I’m not going to say it’s really nice – that’s reserved for Santiago 🙂
We’ve been wandering the cobbled streets, looking at the miradores (viewpoints) and enjoying the brightly painted murals… it’s very hilly so we’ve been getting a work out at the same time as sight-seeing 😉 We have used one of the nicely placed ascensores (elevators) to help us, but most of the time have not – because we are well cool and don’t need to use them.
Yesterday we saw our first exciting animal of the trip… a sea lion swimming in the harbour… and we managed to eat more than we’ve eaten in one sitting for quite a while (no not the sea lion)… we had another famous Chilean Menú del día, but this time it cost $9 (including a tip) for 5 courses and a juice! Shame I was full after the bread and spicy pebre dip, empanada and soup…but hey – dessert is another stomach so even though the main was a struggle, the semolina with milk (sounds good huh!) went down very nicely 🙂
Given we can no longer see the Andes, PB is entertaining me with his second catch phrase of the trip ‘I can see the lights!’… We have a room with a view and PB likes it when it goes dark and the lights come on and he can see Valpo lit up… we don’t have a picture of the lights but we do have some pictures of Valpo to share with you…