Blurred birds
I’m sure that the bird fans amongst you will be wondering what has happened to the bird list, and asking ‘Where are the pictures of the birds?!’… Fear not, the birds are still with us, but the birds of the Atlantic Forest along the coast of Brazil were not very helpful as they liked to hide in the jungle and stay far away from us, and furthermore – the weather was not always helpful either, making sure that whenever there was a colourful bird in sight, it was extremely overcast with poor light.
As you can see, I am getting the excuses in early for the blurred, poor quality photos…. but a bad photo of a bird is better than no photo of a bird? Right? Maybe not, but here are some anyway.. only of the colourful ones 🙂

There you go – if they are colourful it doesn’t matter if the picture is blurred! 🙂
So we now have an updated bird list of the trip so far, and we have reached 193 different species! YAY US! Here is the list for the hardcore bird fans amongst you (…maybe that’s just us then 🙂 )