Estamos en Puerto Iguazú
We enjoyed our time in Puerto Iguazú – a small touristy town in Argentina – just 18km from what is probably the most famous set of waterfalls in the world…
Although most people passing through Puerto Iguazú are there for Iguazú falls, we lingered long enough to also enjoy a couple of the other sights…
The first – El Jardin de los picaflores – a place, given our new found levels of bird geekiness that distracted us for a good number of hours! You clap your hands at the entrance and a lady arrives and lets you into her garden… sounds mundane, but I promise you it’s not… her garden is a hummingbird magnet! It’s not only full of colourful flowers that she’s planted for the hummingbirds, but she also has heaps of bird feeders filled with nectar which the hummingbirds (and other birds) just can’t get enough of
So much so, I’m forced to share a few bird pictures with you…

The second cool thing about Puerto Iguazú is its location… it’s a border town, but unlike any other border town we’ve been in so far – it borders not just one other country BUT two!!! Makes a catchphrase pretty hard to come by as ‘I can see Brazil… and Paraguay’ or ‘I can see Paraguay… and Brazil’ just don’t sound as catchy – didn’t stop PB though!?! To celebrate the triple border location there is a brighlty painted obelisk in each country… and they are pretty cool…

This is how it all fits together…. there’s a big river in the way to stop you going backwards and forwards.

Puerto Iguazú is also very unique as it is the only place we’ve found in Argentina that sells postcards Made us happy until we worked out that sending postcards would blow the budget!!! Well okay, so maybe not but at $85 Argentinian Pesos ($6.40 AUD, £3.90 GBP) for an international stamp it would cost more than my lunch the previous day, and more than 1/2kg of icecream, and 1/5 of the price of our room for the night… you get the picture – the postal system in Argentina needs some work!!! (don’t expect any postcards from Argentina anyone…..