Estamos en Temuco

Overnight stops on the way somewhere else usually don’t get a dedicated blog post –Β BUT any place where you can eat taameya (the Egyptian version of falafel, which in my mind is heaps better than the average falafel) deserves a special mention πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Temuco was our overnight stop in Central Chile on the way to Talca after the lakes… and although it is a pleasant enough place, it is the taameya that makes it blog worthy!!! They may well not have been the real deal – an Egyptian taught a Chilean to make themΒ  – and the texture was a bit wierd – but given our last taste of arabic food was 5 months ago in Brazil we weren’t complaining!!!! πŸ™‚

Woo hoo this place sells taameya πŸ™‚
How good does this look?… my only regret… I had to share this with PB… if we’re ever back in Temuco we’re having one each!!!

After the excitement of having stumbled across Arabic food that tasted good, we continued our strolling – taking in the sights and sounds of Temuco… stopping occasionally to congratulate ourselves on having found such an awesome snack… πŸ™‚

There’s not much else to say about Temuco, but here are some pictures of the sights that it has to offer…

Temuco’s main church on the main square… apartment block style!?!
Temuco’s main square… and as you well know, no place in Chile is complete without a mote con huesillos seller…
Another random church… what can I say it looked cute and we liked it – so we took a picture!!!

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