Wildlife of Bolita
So, the main reason that we went to visit Bolita was to try and spot some exciting animals and birds! Well, as we are optimists we were hoping for something REALLY exciting like a puma, anteater, or tapir….. alas, this didn’t happen 🙁
We did see a fair few cool things though, and perhaps surprisingly the most exciting for us were the frogs!! Yes, we had always wanted to see poison-dart frogs – the famous tiny colourful frogs of the rainforest – and we did! 🙂 They were hard to get good photos of though…. but we tried our best! 🙂 Can you believe that there are more than 150 different species of poison-dart frogs! Yep – is that cool or what?
So, let’s have a look… starting with the birds 🙂

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, we were out of luck as far as mammals went – although we did see one….. it was cheating a bit though as they lived in the shed… 🙂

And so, now we come to the reptiles and amphibians – YAY! 🙂 We will of course save the best til last (can you tell that I am excited about the poison-dart frogs..! 🙂 ) First up – some toads…

OK, I’ll let you into a secret…. they might not have been toads at all… yep, maybe they were frogs?! Nah… they look like toads… well the difference between a toad and a frog is not so clear-cut as you might think…. I will let the Australian museum explain.
Moving on, let’s check out some skinks and lizards… yep, I bet you are wondering what the difference between those are as well… it’s complicated, but not so much as frogs and toads… BUT all skinks are also lizards… Get it? 🙂

OK, before we get to CC’s favourite – the colourful frogs – here is a snake…

And finally! Yes, the frogs were pretty hard to spot – they only appeared after a bit of a rain, and they liked it down at the bottom of the steepest trail – right by the river. We saw three different kinds of colourful poison-dart frog – but we only managed to get pictures of two of them – BOO – yeah they are very small and quite fast… anyway here they are..

The world of poison-dart frogs is VERY complicated – there are 170 DIFFERENT SPECIES… yep, that’s a lot of frogs. In reality, we will never 100% know which exact frogs we saw… but that’s OK, we still love them 🙂