Estamos en El Bolsón
El Bolsón – the home of hiking and hippies – well according to the guidebook it is – and that’s what I was expecting to find there… If I were writing a guidebook I would however call it ‘the home of craft beer, artisan markets and dogs!’
We liked the craft beer in El Bolsón… and felt spoilt for choice… there aren’t many bars that we’ve been to that have three IPAs on tap… that’s special 🙂

We liked the artisan market too… it brought us the comeback of the torta frita (although not quite in the amazing Uruguayan form that we became accustomed to) and our first taste of the infamous calafate berry… okay so it was in the form of an alfajor….but it was good!

Dogs… what can I say… there were a lot of dogs in El Bolsón, including some big energy-filled over-zealous ones that belonged to our Airbnb host and liked to greet us in a way too enthusiastic manner (with muddy paws, nibbles, and dribbling…) yes I prefer cats to dogs, and if this were a cat greeting me in this manner it may well have been forgiven…
There is hiking that you can do from El Bolsón, but that’s not for this post… I can however tell you that we climbed a little hill (Cerro de Amigo) on the edge of town, with a cross on it.. it was a pretty nice stroll and the viewpoint gave us nice views of the town.

El Bolsón also had a lot of Ibis 🙂 These Ibis are way nicer than Sydney’s bin chickens… and in case you don’t believe me – here’s a picture (any excuse to get a picture of a bird on the blog!!!)

All in all, on the plus side for El Bolsón – craft beer, ibis, and some nice hikes. On the minus side – dogs, dust, and it didn’t have as nice a vibe as we thought it would. Bariloche defintely beats it in the scenic beauty stakes…