Estamos en Punta Arenas
We’ve made it to Chile!!!! Punta Arenas is our first stop in Chilean Patagonia….
Our first excitement of being back in Chile was the food… the evening we arrived our tastebuds were awakened with fresh chilli being served on a pizza (this would NEVER have happened in Argentina!)…. and then the next day we went in search of the Municipal market for lunch… It didn’t take us long to find it, as it’s nicely signposted for all the cruise ship arrivals!!!

Lucky for us it wasn’t a cruise ship day, and we were soon sat down with the first course of our ‘menu of the day’ in front of us… flavoursome fish soup, followed by hake and rice… YUM!!!

There wasn’t a lot to do in Punta Arenas, but we managed to entertain ourselves… when we weren’t eating at the Municipal market, we were out and about strolling around the mean streets of Punta Arenas…
There was a mirador overlooking the town which was pretty cool…

There was also the municipal cemetery to have a look at…

Here’s looking forward to the rest of what Chile has to offer 🙂 🙂