Estamos en Tilcara
Our next stop was Tilcara – another town in the Quebrada de Humahuaca 🙂
Tilcara was bigger than Purmamarca, and it felt like we wandered down a labyrinth of uphill streets to reach our accommodation, which was located on top of a hill on the edge of town – convenient for going down into town… less convenient on the way home!!! 🙂

The town of Tilcara didn’t have a lot of sights – but there was a big ‘Welcome to Tilcara’ sign on the hill 🙂 and a nice church…

The main site in Tilcara is the Pucará de Tilcara (a pre-Inca fort) – it’s located on a hill just on the edge of town, and we strolled over to check it out.
The walk to the fort was a very scenic stroll, with cactus and rolling hills all around us 🙂

The pucará didn’t disappoint either 🙂 Not only was it located on an awesome hillside that was covered in cactuses, BUT there was a botanic garden at the entrance that was also full of cactuses… did I tell you that PB and I love cactuses?!? What’s more, as it was Monday it was free to get in… what a bonus… 🙂 🙂
I like freebies, as it makes our budget look better… when we spend more than we should (we have a daily limit!) we get a red number on our spreadsheet AND red numbers DON’T look good on the spreadsheet… often an entrance fee = a red number… NOT this time 🙂 🙂
Here are some of our pictures… it was very photogenic… (yes, this is the disclaimer for the number of pics that are about to follow!!!)

All in all, we loved the fort and the cactus-laden landscape that Tilcara had to offer 🙂 🙂 A big thumbs up for Tilcara from us! 🙂