Estamos en Trelew
The bus journey to our next Patagonian destination – Trelew – was somewhat of a pleasant surprise… as we turned off the main highway (which was signposed Trelew) onto a gravel road, we were a little confused – but the journey took us through some beautiful scenery scattered with guanacos and lesser rhea 🙂 and through some remote communities that without this bus service would have been pretty much stuck there…
Trelew itself did not disappoint either… in fact it exceeded my expectations 🙂
The town (like Trevelin) is famous for being a Welsh town in Patagonia… we didn’t hear Welsh being spoken, but the bakeries once again seemed to sell a whole array of new, delicious baked goods (which we assumed were based on old Welsh recipes) :-), and we located a big obelisk in one of the main squares….

Trelew is also famous for dinosaurs… I kid you not… in fact, the biggest dinosaur in the world is found just outside town by the airport waiting to greet all new arrivals!

So important are dinosaurs in Trelew that it is also home to the The Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio… this muesum had heaps of information about dinosaurs in Patagonia and kept us entertained for a few hours 🙂

The thing I liked most about Trewlew was, however, the lake… this lake was awesome as it was home to many new birds that we had never seen before… check out the pictures 🙂 🙂

Our first stop on the coastal side of Patagonia did not disappoint… Trelew comes recommended for bird and dinosaur lovers out there 😉